A man, an aircraft and a global citizen
In short: Inspired by the example of my ancestors, I strive to be a good example for my descendants.
A bit explained: Born in the Soviet Union, I grew up in Kazakhstan and now live in Germany, and as such don’t consider myself a patriot of any one country. It is important to me to avoid prejudices and to try not to get overly attached to material things or the people around me. I believe in always looking for the positive in a situation. I try to stay in shape, eat healthy food. I strive to develop proportionally in all directions. I also want to promote and develop these views and ideas with attraction of the latest achievements of mankind on the example of myself.
My deeper yoga study for yoga teacher. Starting from very basics like human anatomy up to the known as well as unknown spiritual practices.
Finished my study at the Leipzig University at the Department of Computer Science with increases degree to the Master of Science.
Received a bachelor’s degree after completing my studies at the University of Leipzig’s Department of Computer Science.
Studied microelectronics and physics for 6 semesters at the Kazakh Technical National University before moving to Germany.
I received a diploma from the College for Energetics and Electronic Instrumentation’s Department of Radio Device Construction.
Corporate information security, risk management, quality assurance.
Analysing software testability, quality and security of several medical products.
Managing software quality of a number in-house web and mobile frameworks for enterprises.
Consulting, designing, developing, testing of the soft-, middle-ware, web and mobile applications for diverse projects and customers around the globe.
Assisted in a project developing the web-based medical platform "OncoWorkstation".
Enroll and setup of a CMS for the Institute of Legal Medicine.
Assisted with diverse projects in various departments of the university and gained a lot of valuable experience as a result of my job.